Accounting (ACC)

ACC 101. Principles Of Accounting I. 3 Credits.

This course covers the basic accounting principles necessary for an intelligent understanding of the books and records used in business: debits and credits; opening and closing books; classification and analysis of accounts; controlling accounts; trial balance; working papers; and the preparation of financial statements. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, MAT 092 or MAT 096, RDG 098, or placement.

ACC 102. Principles Of Accounting II. 3 Credits.

This course is a continuation of ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I and covers partnerships, the nature and formation of corporations, capital stock, corporation earnings, dividends, investments, and long-term obligations. Topics also considered are manufacturing operations related to control accounting procedures and statement of changes in financial position. Prerequisite: ACC 101.

ACC 224. Taxation. 3 Credits.

This course includes income tax laws and their application to individuals, partnerships, fiduciaries, and corporations. Practical problems covering concrete situations illustrate the meaning of the laws. Primary emphasis is placed on individual tax preparation. Prerequisite: ACC 101.

ACC 226. Managerial Accounting I. 3 Credits.

This course is a continuation of ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I and ACC 102 Principles of Accounting II with major emphasis on the development and application of accounting data for planning and control. Prerequisite: ACC 102 or permission of the Division Dean. Fall.

ACC 227. Computerized Accounting. 3 Credits.

The accounting cycle for a business, payroll, and bank statement reconciliation is entirely computerized into one coordinated, interactive system. Other problems may be introduced as appropriate. Prerequisites: ACC 101; CIS 121 or CIS 128.