Criminal Justice (CJU)
CJU 110. Introduction To Criminalistics. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to introduce the concepts involved in the field of criminalistics. The students will be introduced to the concepts of criminalistics from the professional and scientific disciplines dedicated to the recognition, collection, identification, and individualization of physical evidence. The application of the natural sciences to matters of the law will be examined. Actual court cases will be used to illustrate facilitation of the identification process, and students will learn to prepare crime scene evidence reports. Practical application of selected laboratory procedures may be included. Formerly offered as CJU 234. Prerequisites: ENG 098, RDG 098, (or placement).
CJU 120. Critical Incident Stress & Trauma Yoga. 4 Credits.
This course studies the most current interventions, research, and thinking on critical incident stress management for first responders in public safety. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis of crisis intervention, peer support, psychological first aid, disaster mental health, and suicide prevention. Students actively participate by applying knowledge of crisis communication, peer intervention and yoga techniques presented in class.
CJU 131. Introduction To Criminal Justice. 3 Credits.
Students survey the criminal justice system in the United States including its main components: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Special emphasis is placed on the sequence of events and decision points within the system, as well as historical and societal influences, and student will utilize various assigned sources to prepare incident and police reports. The functions of federal, state, county, and local agencies are examined. A brief overview of the juvenile system is included. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement. This course should be taken during a student's first semester as a Criminal Justice major.
CJU 133. Criminal Law. 3 Credits.
This course studies the nature, aims, purposes, and principles of criminal law, including both the general and specific parts of the law of crimes. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis of specific elements, rules, doctrines, and defenses. Students actively participate by applying knowledge of laws and doctrines to actual cases through written and oral exercises including multiple case briefs. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.
CJU 134. Criminal Procedure. 3 Credits.
Emphasis is placed on the constitutional authority to apply the process of enforcement of the law. Attention is given to admissibility of evidence used to convict. Through case study, procedural matters affecting the criminal justice system such as arrest, search and seizure, warrants, admissions, stop and frisk, and identification, pretrial proceedings, conviction, and post-conviction processes are examined, and student will utilize contemporary sources to prepare memorandums and case briefs illuminating assigned coursework. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.
CJU 228. Effective Written Communication for the CJ Practitioner. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to develop the technical writing skills of students intending to become criminal justice practitioners. Students will develop the written communications skills needed to write research papers, reports, affidavits, crash reports, and complaint applications; and to produce legal and investigative materials which are complete and accurate, as well as prepare other types of written communications commonly used by the major agencies within the criminal justice system. This is a hybrid course which will meet one hour each week, and internet access will be required. Prerequisite: ENG 101.
CJU 232. Introduction To Criminology. 3 Credits.
Students will explore patterns of adult criminal and juvenile delinquent behavior through the examination of theories from a biological, psychological, and sociological perspective. The concept of crime as a social problem and efforts to measure the nature and extent of crime will be examined. Typologies of crime are studied, and schools of thought and various approaches to crime causation will be considered, and students will utilize current news sources to prepare memorandums illuminating assigned coursework. This course should be taken during a student's second semester as a Criminal Justice major. Prerequisite: SOC 103.
CJU 233. Criminal Investigation. 3 Credits.
This course examines the science and art of criminal investigation. Crime science and its specialized procedures and techniques related to physical evidence, interviews, rules of evidence, the investigator as a witness, and the investigative process to include follow-up investigations will be examined. Cases may be included to illustrate the investigative process. Practical application of selected laboratory procedures may be included. Student will apply what they have learned via written research projects examining important contemporary criminal trends and/or events. Prerequisite: CJU 134 or permission of the division dean. Fall.
CJU 245. American Policing. 3 Credits.
This course provides the criminal justice student with an in-depth understanding of the history, development and philosophy of American policing. Students survey the roles, operation, procedures and organizational structure used in modern law enforcement. Attention is given to ethical practices, police interaction with diverse cultures, and the importance of communication. The course emphasizes patrol and community as the mainstay of policing. Current problems, recent innovations and law enforcement as a lifelong career are included topics. Students will write about the impact of contemporary policing initiatives on criminal behavior. Formerly offered as CJU 140. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement. Spring.
CJU 247. Psychology in the Criminal Justice System. 3 Credits.
This course seeks to start a dialogue about the affect Psychology has on the Criminal Justice System (CJS). Psychology influences every task in our day to day lives, why wouldn’t it affect the CJS? This course will span a wide range of notable topics such as implicit biases, juries, insanity defenses, false confessions and much more. However, it is impossible to discuss every aspect of Psychology in the CJS in one semester. Consequently, this course aims to help students think critically about our CJS. A goal of this course is to create a safe space for an open dialogue about the CJS that will include discussions of student’s criticism, inquiries and suggestions for the system. Students should walk away from this course with an understanding about factors that impact our CJS that they may not have been aware of before taking this course. Additionally, students should walk away with the ability to search for, understand and critique scholarly articles. Prerequisites: ENG 101, ENG 102, CJU 131.
CJU 250. Introduction To Corrections. 3 Credits.
This course surveys the historical, political, legal, and sociological aspects of the United States correctional system. Students examine differing philosophies and purposes of punishment, particularly as they impact correctional policy and practice. Emphasis is on studying various types of offenders within the system and understanding major issues regarding contemporary methods of handling criminal offenders. Students will write on a topic within the field of corrections (e.g., a specific gang, rival gangs, prison systems from different countries, various types of prison construction, the death penalty, etc.), answering questions including history, purpose, and evolution. Prerequisite: CJU 131.
CJU 252. Internship In Criminal Justice. 3 Credits.
This field experience involves extensive observation of and interaction in selected agencies. Placements include police departments, courts, probation, juvenile services, parole, correctional facilities, training academies, and related areas such as residential treatment programs. Students obtain a basic knowledge and understanding of the practical aspects of criminal justice through observation and selected participation. One seminar hour and eight hours of field experience per week are required. A consideration for placement will be the student's appropriate qualifications in relation to a specific agency. Students will maintain a weekly journal highlighting their on site learning. Prerequisites: completion of at least two criminal justice courses, sophomore status, and permission of division dean.
CJU 255. Seminar In Criminal Justice. 3 Credits.
In this capstone course, students analyze and articulate contemporary themes in order to demonstrate their mastery of the content of completed required courses within the degree. Students are required to read selected materials and analyze key topics in a seminar format. Students develop and prepare a major analytical research paper and conduct a seminar for fellow students. This course should be taken in the semester immediately preceding graduation. Prerequisites: ENG 102; completion of all required criminal justice courses (CJU 131, CJU 133, CJU 134, CJU 228, CJU 232, CJU 250), and at least one restrictive elective, or permission of division dean.