Early Childhood Education (ECE)

ECE 101. Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Advancing Equity. 3 Credits.

This course is an introduction to the field of early childhood education. Students will gain an understanding of equity’s role in high quality early education while exploring the foundations, history, philosophy, programs, and ethics of early childhood education. The course will survey the social justice/anti-bias education domains: identity, diversity, justice, and action. Students will examine self, the teacher's role, and the evolving needs of diverse families within varied settings and evaluate their impact on the social, emotional, and intellectual development of the child. This course will introduce licensing regulations, state, and national standards. A field observation is required. Students must undergo a Background Records check. This course meets the requirement for Introduction to Early Childhood Education in the ECE Foundational Certificate. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: PSY 108 (or co-requisite).

ECE 102. Early Childhood Curriculum And Program Planning. 3 Credits.

This course surveys curriculum, instruction, and environments in an early childhood setting to maintain a comprehensive, multisensory, inquiry-based, developmentally appropriate program. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of play, active exploration, cultural diversity, and inclusion. Emphasis will be placed on supporting and empowering the learning of children in all domains. Students will explore state and national standards and trends. A field observation and a Background Records check are required. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. This course meets the curriculum requirement in the ECE Foundational Certificate. Prerequisite: PSY 108 (or corequisite).

ECE 103. Families, School, And Community. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the influence of family, school, and community on a child’s life and learning. Emphasis is on understanding family diversity and culture and building collaborative partnerships with school, families, and community groups to support children’s development and education. Students will develop strategies to engage community and advocate with children, families. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.

ECE 104. Infant And Toddler Development And Curriculum. 3 Credits.

The focus of this course is on the unique requirements of caring for infants and toddlers in group settings. Students will explore child growth and development, environments, curriculum and care-giving for children ages birth-3 . Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. This course meets the curriculum requirement in the ECE Foundational Certificate. Prerequisite: PSY 108 (or corequisite). Fall.

ECE 105. Child Care Administration. 3 Credits.

This course examines the organization, planning, and the administering of various types of early childhood programs. Emphasis will be placed on the responsibility of the director to provide a quality program by developing intentional measures to foster an equitable and inclusive culture that promotes social justice, sound fiscal management skills, effective interpersonal relationships, while meeting State Standards, Guidelines and licensing regulations. Topics included in the course will be funding, budgeting, evaluating, hiring and retaining educators, collecting fees, writing reports, and communication skills. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: ENG 101. Spring.

ECE 106. Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 Credits.

This course will examine the neurological underpinnings and behavioral characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders. It will focus on an overview of child-centered, developmental and evidence-based interventions used in early care and education environments. Collaborating with families will be emphasized. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement. Spring.

ECE 107. Trauma and Resilience in Children, Youth and Families. 3 Credits.

This course explores resilience, the ability to adapt well and recover after stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. Emphasis will be on understanding trauma and resilience as well as exploring evidence-based strategies and skills to implement trauma-sensitive curriculum and behavioral practices. The focus will also be placed on using trauma-informed approaches to foster student, professional, and family relationships. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098 (or placement). Fall.

ECE 108. Introduction to Trauma Informed Care in Early Childhood Settings. 4 Credits.

This course explores the multiple impacts of trauma on the developing child along with ways to build resiliency. The role of the teacher, in the context of the child's larger circle of protective factors, is developed in terms of social emotional learning (SEL), family support and engagement, setting up the physical environment, advocacy, and self-care. An evidence-based approach, through trauma-informed best practices, guides the learning where students will practice and apply course concepts in an early childhood classroom in a 15-hour faculty guided field component. Prerequisite: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098 or placement. Fall.

ECE 114. Early Childhood Education Practicum I. 4 Credits.

Students will actively participate in an early childhood education setting. Under the supervision of a mentor teacher, the student will become more familiar with the role and responsibilities of the professional in early childhood education environments. Students must undergo a Background Records Check. ECF, ECE, ECT, ECEC and ECC students must earn a C or better in the course. This course meets the requirement for Practicum in the ECE Foundational Certificate. Prerequisites: ECE 102 or corequisite; PSY 108; enrollment in ECF, ECE, ECT, ECEC or ECC programs.

ECE 124. Early Childhood Education Practicum II. 4 Credits.

Students will increase their involvement in an early childhood setting under the guidance of a mentor teacher. They will plan and implement developmentally appropriate curriculum while learning to apply best practice. Students will develop confidence and a sense of professionalism while reflecting on their teaching practice. Students must undergo a Background Records check. ECF, ECE, ECT, ECEC and ECC students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: ECE 114; enrollment in ECF, ECE, ECT, ECEC or ECC programs.

ECE 132. Applying Theories Of Curriculum. 3 Credits.

This course will explore and analyze current trends, theories, best practice standards of curriculum in early childhood education. Students will gain a more indepth understanding of inquiry-based, emergent and project-based teaching that reviews the value of play and the importance of inclusion and diversity. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: ECE 102, PSY 108.

ECE 134. Promoting Positive Behavior in Early Childhood & Elementary Education. 3 Credits.

This course examines and interprets children's behavior from early childhood through school age. Various theories of behavior management, social emotional development, and the role of positive approaches to guidance will be explored. Students will learn proactive techniques that support and encourage positive relationships and behavior for all learners in individual, small, and large group settings. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: PSY 108 (or corequisite). Spring.

ECE 135. Health, Safety & Nutrition in Early Childhood Settings. 3 Credits.

Students will examine a holistic approach to children's wellness and the inter-relationships between health, safety and nutrition in early childhood settings. This course will explore the knowledge and skills early childhood educators need in order to promote the well-being of young children birth-8. Emphasis will be on the Department of Early Education and Care regulations. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098. Alternate Years.

ECE 244. Children with Special Needs. 3 Credits.

This course explores ways of understanding the strengths and needs of children with differing abilities. Emphasis will be on combining information about specific disability categories with evidence based practices for instruction and behavioral support. This course covers evolving social/cultural dimensions of disability as well as legislation and policies supportive of children with special needs and their families. Students are required to observe special needs children in an educational setting. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisites: PSY 108 or PSY 110.

ECE 250. Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood. 3 Credits.

This course examines observation and assessment of children from birth through eight. The connection between effective observation and documentation to inform curriculum planning, program development and constructively sharing information will be emphasized. ECF, ECC and ECT students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: PSY 108.

ECE 255. Best Practices in Trauma-Informed Care in Early Childhood Settings. 4 Credits.

This course addresses in greater detail the key themes and concepts identified in Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care in Early Childhood Settings. Through evidence-based practice, students develop an increased capacity to work with children and families who have experienced trauma. Skills will be reinforced through continued self-reflective practice, practical application, and in-depth analysis of the child's environment. Students will continue to practice and apply course concepts in the early childhood classroom and meet with faculty in a 15-hour guided field component. Faculty will guide reflective discussion around implementing competencies in the early childhood classroom. Prerequisite: ECE 108. Spring.