Media Arts & Technology (MRT)

MRT 105. Introduction To Mass Media. 3 Credits.

Students examine the effects and impact of the mass media on contemporary life. Emphasis is on the influence of television, film, radio, Internet, and print media in such areas as entertainment, news, politics, advertising, popular culture, and human behavior. Formerly offered as BCT 105. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.

MRT 106. Introduction to Human Communication. 3 Credits.

The course introduces students to key concepts, perspectives, research fields, and methods in the study of human communication. Weekly content balances theoretical approaches and practical skill development. The role of the individual and the influence of society in communication processes are discussed. Prerequisite: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.

MRT 110. Fundamentals of Video Production. 3 Credits.

Students are introduced to the basics of video recording and editing. Instruction focuses on developing the pre-production, production, and post production expertise required to successfully plan and execute video programs. An overview of video technology is included. MRTV students must earn a C or better in the course. Fall (days). Spring (nights). Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement; Corequisite: MRT 112 or permission of Dean.

MRT 112. Introduction to Audio Production. 3 Credits.

Students are introduced to the basic procedures and skills used by audio professionals. In order to achieve a basic understanding of sound as it relates to media productions, students perform recording and editing techniques of dialog, radio style production, as well as studio and location sound practices used for video and film. Two hours lecture and two lab hours per week. MRTA students must earn a C or better in the course. Fall (days). Spring (nights). Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement; Corequisite: MRT 110 or permission of Dean.

MRT 122. Audio Post-production. 3 Credits.

Students are introduced to equipment, procedures, and techniques used on location and in studios for careers in audio for the television and film industries, with an emphasis on post production signal processing and editing. This course builds on the information and skills acquired in MRT 112 Introduction to Audio Production. Two hours lecture and two hours lab per week. MRTA and MRTV students must earn a C or better in the course. Formerly offered as BCT 122. Prerequisites: MRT 112. Spring.

MRT 123. Film Studies. 3 Credits.

The course introduces students to key concepts of film analysis and production, including film narration, language, technology, history, genres, styles, and issues of gender, ethnicity, and identity. American and global cinemas will be discussed. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement.

MRT 129. Video Post-production. 3 Credits.

Building on their knowledge of video production, students will develop expertise in the technology and techniques of digital, nonlinear editing. This course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operation of nonlinear editing systems. Throughout the course, students develop an understanding of the techniques and aesthetics video and film editors employ as effective storytellers. Using industry standard, nonlinear editing systems, students practice applying the craft of editing, assembling sequences of pictures and sounds to create finished programs including titles, graphics, and special effects. MRTV students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: MRT 110. Spring.

MRT 202. Media Arts & Technology Internship I. 3 Credits.

In this course, students earn academic credit while gaining on-the-job experience and training at a broadcast operation or other electronic media-related facility. The student's performance is evaluated by the instructor and the employer. The student will participate in periodic seminars with the course coordinator, and must prepare a detailed account of the internship at the end of the semester. Offered occasionally. Prerequisites: Minimum of 21 college-level credit hours completed.

MRT 204. Lighting and Directing. 3 Credits.

In this course, students will explore principles of lighting, various tools of lighting, and fundamental and advanced lighting techniques. In addition, the course will introduce students to directing approaches and styles. Image control and directing tasks in all production stages will be addressed, as well as applications in single and multi-camera production environments. MRTV students must earn a C or better in this course. Prerequisites: MRT 129. Fall.

MRT 205. Corporate Video Production. 3 Credits.

In this course, students will explore various forms and modes of corporate video production, such as promotional, instructional, educational, and corporate identity-building videos. Instruction emphasizes an analysis of clients’ needs, target audiences, and distribution platforms, including social media. Students will combine essential tasks of all production stages to produce short corporate videos in professional, real life-based scenarios. MRTV students must earn a C or better in this course. Prerequisites: MRT 112, MRT 129. Fall.

MRT 211. Advanced Audio Production. 3 Credits.

This course builds on information and skills acquired in MRT 112 and MRT 122. Students gain competency with configurations of complex audio systems, matrixes of multibus mixers, digital mixers, advanced techniques in dialog recording, tone shaping, and music editing. Foley work, sweetening, and mixing for picture are major parts of this course. MRTA students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: MRT 122; MRT 217 (Corequisite for MRTA students). Fall.

MRT 216. Advanced Video Production. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on advanced video production concepts and methods, such as effective pre-production, production, and postproduction workflows. It builds upon knowledge and skills students acquired in MRT 110 and MRT 129, and MRT 205. Course instruction emphasizes an advanced level of camera control techniques, including exposure, depth of field, composition, framing, and color. Students will work with various camera and lighting equipment, explore its application in diverse settings, and learn to create effective visual messages and narratives. Fundamental concepts of digital cinematography also will be discussed. MRTV students must earn a C or better in this course. Prerequisites: MRT 205. Spring.

MRT 217. Critical Listening for Audio Engineers. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on awareness of sound. Ear training and auditory recognition are developed through directed listening tasks, discussions, and research. Topics include types of listening, listening environments, sound systems and devices, eras in sound, including equipment and technique, with analytical study of sound engineers' choices in broadcast, cinematic and musical genres. MRTA students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: MRT 122; MRT 211 (Corequisite for MRTA students). Fall.

MRT 222. Multi-camera Video Production. 3 Credits.

This course encompasses the processes, equipment, facilities, and skills employed in television studio and multi-camera production. Emphasis is placed on the operation of cameras, switchers and related equipment, the responsibilities of the production crew, and the direction of live switched, multi-camera production. MRTV students must earn a C or better in the course. Formerly offered as MRT 121. Prerequisite: MRT 205. Spring.

MRT 223. Independent Study In Media Arts. 3 Credits.

This course is an advanced practicum experience in which the individual student, under the guidance of a staff member, develops their media arts skills at a professional level. Prerequisite: Permission of Division Dean. Offered occasionally.

MRT 224. Music Recording and Mixing Techniques. 3 Credits.

This course is the culmination of audio training at MWCC. Students are trained in methods of both recording and mixing music. Sonic spaces, microphone choice and placement, equipment preference and sequence, technical and personal etiquette in recording musical performances involving audiences, stages, or studios - are all practiced in hands-on training in small to large production crews. Mix training utilizes class recordings of live musicians and other prerecorded material. Students mix projects from start to finish, and assist or complete professional-level mixes with the instructor. Training in mastering is applied to an audio portfolio of the student’s best to work to date. MRTA students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: MRT 211, MRT 217; MRT 225 (corequisite). Spring.

MRT 225. Live Sound Reinforcement. 3 Credits.

This course covers aspects of amplifying the sound of performances or presentations in various sized venues for in-person audiences. Students build skills in sound system: consideration configuration, testing, measuring, and safety. Hands on elements use equipment ranging from small format analog systems to top of the line Yamaha Rivage digital consoles. Techniques in mixing live performances are practiced utilizing mix skills acquired in the co-requisite course MRT 224 Music Recording & Mixing Techniques. Two lecture hours and two lab hours per week. MRTA students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: MRT 211, MRT 217; MRT 224 (corequisite). Spring.

MRT 228. Self Promotion and the Business of Media Arts. 3 Credits.

This course informs students of business structures and practices within the media arts industries and prepares them to advance their standings through self-promotion. Career alignment, employment options, compensations, ethics and responsibilities are covered. Students discover effective job searching and application strategies specific to media professionals. Techniques in promoting one's value are a major component of this course. Prerequisite: ENG 102. Spring.