Music (MUS)

MUS 103. Music Skills And Theory I. 3 Credits.

Designed for the non-musician, this course develops basic concepts of music theory with a strong emphasis on ear training and sight reading. Students move through a programmed text acquiring understanding of notation, rhythm, scales, key relationships, intervals, and simple chords. Prerequisite: None.

MUS 106. History Of Jazz. 3 Credits.

Students learn the fundamental elements of jazz music, the styles of jazz (New Orleans, pre-swing, swing, bebop, progressive jazz, cool jazz, etc.), and the impact of jazz personalities upon American life. Prerequisites: ENG 098, FYE 101, RDG 098, or placement. Offered occasionally.

MUS 110. Music Appreciation. 3 Credits.

This course is designed for the non-music and music major alike. The goal of this course is to improve students' understanding and appreciation of all musical genres and elements. Offered occasionally. Formerly offered as MUS 210.

MUS 111. Voice I. 3 Credits.

Students will learn the foundation of healthy vocal technique while exploring musical literature through the ages. Emphasis is made on basic vocal pedagogy using a classical approach. Confidence is gained through group and solo performances. Prerequisite: none.

MUS 112. Voice II. 3 Credits.

This course is a continuation of MUS 111 Voice I with a strong emphasis on vocal performance. Exploration of vocal literature in multiple languages will give the student a strong repertoire for future use. Prerequisite: MUS 111 or permission of division dean.

MUS 140. Class Guitar I. 3 Credits.

This course is designed for the beginning guitarist or a guitarist that wants to learn to read music. Students will receive guidance and direction in solving problems related to playing the guitar on a beginning level and will learn many of the different styles, skills and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of concentration include: correct posture, note reading, aural skills, flat picking, singing songs, rhythmic patterns, chord study, musical forms, improvisation and performing experiences. There will be readings on the history, techniques and aspects of performance of the guitar that the student will reflect on in their journal and share with the class weekly. Students are expected to own a guitar or have unlimited access to a guitar for the entire semester. Prerequisite: RDG 096 or permission of Dean.

MUS 141. Class Guitar II. 3 Credits.

This course is designed for the advanced beginning guitarist. Students will receive guidance and direction in solving problems related to playing the guitar on an advanced beginning level and will learn many of the different styles, skills and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of concentration include: correct posture, note reading, aural skills, flat picking, singing songs, rhythmic patterns, chord study, musical forms, improvisation and performing experiences. There will be readings on the history, techniques and aspects of performance of the guitar that students will reflect on in their journals and share with the class weekly. Students are expected to own a guitar or have unlimited access to a guitar for the entire semester. Prerequisite: MUS 140 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of Dean.

MUS 160. History of Rock and Roll. 3 Credits.

This is a music course that presents the growth and diffusion of popular music and its surrounding culture from the 1930's through the 1970's. There will be a wide variety of topics pertinent to the understanding of rock music that will include among others, Blues, Country Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Country, Rockabilly, Doo Wop, Teen Idols, Girl Groups, Dance Craze, Surf, Soul, Motown, British Invasion, Psychedelic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Heavy Metal, Jazz Rock and Art Rock. A historical approach will be used with special emphasis on important musical styles and influential artists as well as significant cultural issues. Basic elements of music will be covered throughout the semester to provide the listener with an objective context to understand and evaluate the musical styles and forms being discussed. Prerequisite: RDG 098, ENG 098, FYE 101, or placement.