Photography (PHO)

PHO 115. Introduction To Digital Photography. 3 Credits.

This introductory course covers the technical and artistic aspects of capturing and editing digital images. Students will learn how to create artistic images for print and electronic distribution. Emphasis is placed on the camera and how to use it, lighting, electronic capture and manipulation techniques, and photographic composition. Basic computer skills are required: Ability to use a computer operating system and follow basic procedures including keyboarding/mouse skills, as well as system commands such as working with directories/folders, and opening/closing applications. Prerequisites: ENG 098, RDG 098, or placement.

PHO 215. Advanced Digital Photography. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to go beyond the basic skills learned in PHO 115 Intro to Digital Photography. It is designed to allow students to reach a new level of artistic achievement. Students will learn to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of this medium. The course incorporates use of the latest tools and techniques of digital capture and manipulation. It also uses some traditional film techniques that are modified slightly to apply to a digital environment. A fully adjustable digital camera is required. Point and shoot cameras, and cell phones are not suitable photographic instruments for this course. A tripod is strongly recommended. PHO and MRTP students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: PHO 115.

PHO 240. Portrait Photography. 3 Credits.

The art of photographing people is explored. Lighting, posing, and composition are covered. Various styles of portraiture are introduced. These include corporate portraits, casual and personality portraits, and wedding portraits; as well as more avant-garde styles such as film noire. Studio, location, and natural lighting will be used. Color balancing and facial retouching will be covered. A fully adjustable digital camera is required. Point and shoot cameras, and cell phones are not suitable photographic instruments for this course. A tripod is strongly recommended. PHO and MRTP students must earn a C or better in the course. Fall.

PHO 245. Commercial Photography. 3 Credits.

Some of the world's most artistic photos are made for the purpose of advertising. This exciting area of photography will be explored. In addition to small product and catalogue photography, this course explores the more complex and creative photographs used for various publication covers, web and magazine ads, and trade show displays. Advanced digital editing and manipulation will be discussed. Estimating and billing will also be covered. A fully adjustable digital camera is required. Point and shoot cameras, and cell phones are not suitable photographic instruments for this course. A tripod is strongly recommended. PHO and MRTP students must earn a C or better in the course. Prerequisite: PHO 115. Spring.