The MWCC Admissions Office welcomes applications to a variety of academic programs. Whether your goal is an associate degree or a certificate, selected courses for job training, preparation for transfer to another institution, or personal growth, MWCC’s admissions staff will help you through every step of the process. The mission of the MWCC Admissions Office is to be a model of student recruitment and enrollment excellence. The Admissions Office is located on the first floor of the main building at the Gardner Campus, and representatives are readily available for consultation. The Admissions Office may be contacted at 978-630-9447 or
While all students are welcome to consider MWCC, the college gives priority consideration to legal residents of Massachusetts. Out-of-state students are welcome and encouraged to apply, and may be eligible for admission under the New England Regional Student Program, if from a neighboring state.
Prospective students are not guaranteed admission to MWCC. Due to changes in enrollments and academic programs, the college reserves the right to update admission criteria at any time. All students are encouraged to review the application for their desired program carefully before submission.
To be admitted, applicants must have a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (HiSet/GED). Certificates of completion are not accepted to demonstrate successful completion of secondary school. In addition, all applicants must demonstrate the ability to perform college-level work and conduct themselves in accordance with all college policies. In cases where tests or other indicators suggest the contrary, the college reserves the right to deny admission.
Selective admission programs have additional criteria that must be met and due to the competitive nature of these programs, not all candidates will be admitted. If you are considering one of our selective admission programs, information sessions pertaining to these programs are available throughout the year. Attendance at an information session may be required before application to a selective program.
Whenever an applicant for admission submits, as part of an admission application, a document that is found to be fraudulent before an admission decision is made or before the applicant has enrolled, the applicant shall be barred from enrolling for a period of five years after the year of the application that contained the fraudulent material. If done a second time, there shall be a lifetime ban on admission to MWCC. In the event of the submission of fraudulent documents, MWCC will notify the applicant in writing of this prohibited act and the penalty, and advise the applicant of the opportunity to appeal the decision in writing to the Vice President for Enrollment Management. The applicant may then submit a written statement and evidence demonstrating that the document is not fraudulent or advancing some other defense. The Vice President may reduce or withdraw the penalty, if he or she finds the document to be authentic, that the submission of the document was not the fault of the applicant, or otherwise deems it appropriate.
To arrange an appointment for a campus tour or to attend an information session, contact the Admissions Office at 978-630-9447, TTY 978-632-4916, or More information about MWCC, including the steps necessary to enroll, can be found here. Academic program and gainful employment information can be found here.