Health Insurance & Immunization Requirements
All students enrolled for nine credits or more per semester must participate in the Massachusetts Community College Health Insurance Plan, unless the student can provide verification of comparable coverage.
The college’s comprehensive health insurance covers accidents and sickness for both hospital and non-hospital confinement services. It is recommended that each student compare the benefits of his/her current coverage before transferring to the college policy. The fee for this insurance is included on the bill for students enrolled in nine credits or more, unless an insurance waiver is provided. Details of this coverage may be obtained from the Student Accounts Office, the Immunization Records Office, or at the Gallagher Student Health website.
Mandatory Immunization Requirements for College Students (as required by 105 CMR 220.600: M.G.L. c.76, §§ 15C Chapter 76 Section 15B of the General Laws of Massachusetts) include the following:
- In order to be registered at an institution of higher learning, 1. every full-time undergraduate student including cycle students (registered for 12 credits or more in a semester); 2. every full-time or part-time undergraduate student in a health science program who is in contact with patients; and 3. every student on a student visa, including all International students attending or visiting classes as part of a formal academic visitation exchange program, must present a physician’s certificate that such student has received the necessary immunizations. A school immunization record may be presented in lieu of the certificate.
- 2 doses Measles, Mumps Rubella (2MMRs) immunization or proof of immunity (exempt if born in the U.S. before 1957 except for all Health Science students).
- 1 dose Tdap once, then TD booster every 10 years.
- 3 doses Hepatitis B vaccine or proof of immunity (please attach lab report). Health Science students must submit a positive Hepatitis B titer in addition to vaccine record.
- 2 doses Varicella vaccine or titre to prove immunity (please attach lab report) required for all Health Science Students. All non-Health Science Students must provide reliable history verified by a physician (exempt if born in the U.S. before 1980).
- Meningococcal vaccine is required for all full- time student's ages 16-21.
- Annual Influenza vaccine required for all Health Science students.
- The requirements of 105 CMR 220.600 shall not apply where: The student provides written documentation that he or she meets the standards for medical or religious exemption set forth in M.G.L. c.76.
- Students may be registered on the condition that the required immunizations are obtained within 30 days of registration.
- Additional MWCC requirements:
- All Health Science students need to comply with additional immunization and health requirements set forth by their individual programs. Please refer to your specific health science program for special program requirements.
- All Health Science students and every student on a student visa, including foreign students, need to provide proof of annual tuberculosis testing.
- All Health Science students and every student on a student visa, including all foreign students, need to provide proof of an Intradermal Tuberculin Test (TB).
- All Health Science students must comply with immunization and health requirements prior to attending clinical practices.
- The college requires all full and part-time Health Science students to have a physical examination by the student's private physician conducted within the last two years.
- International students are required to submit a physical examination every two years.
Health records may be obtained from your physician or your high school records. Information concerning immunizations may be obtained from Student Services. For more information, please contact Student Services at 978-630-9855.