Student Resources
Store Hours
Regular hours at the Gardner Campus during the fall and spring semesters are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays. Extended hours are offered during the beginning of each term. This information is also posted on the MWCC Bookstore website. For more information, call 978-630-9104.
Textbook Costs
While textbook prices vary widely, we recommend that you budget for about $150 per course for your required learning materials. Your MWCC bookstore is very concerned about textbook prices and makes every attempt to provide lower cost options such as used textbooks (sold at a 25 percent discount), textbook rentals, and digital textbooks. The bookstore also buys back used textbooks at the end of each term.
At the MWCC Bookstore website, you can buy your college textbooks as well as an assortment of MWCC clothing and gifts. The website will accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and MWCC financial aid book vouchers. The website also features the most up-to-date information regarding store hours and events.
Bulletin Boards and Posting Policy
Advertising on campus, posting on bulletin boards, and similar solicitations are subject to the approval of the Dean of Students or her/his designee and to the college solicitation policies. All materials in display cases and on bulletin boards must be authorized, stamped, and dated by the student services office before appearing on bulletin boards. Unstamped advertisements and notices will be removed. Dated materials will be removed upon completion of the advertised date of the event or program. Undated materials will be posted for two weeks unless otherwise approved. Additionally, commercially sponsored programs or events (for-profit organizations, including but not limited to night clubs, travel program agencies, etc.) may not solicit or promote their events on the property of MWCC. Advertising may appear on assigned bulletin boards and stanchions only. Windows, doors, walls, and glass are not for advertising purposes. Advertising appearing in unassigned areas will be removed. Entrances, doorways, and hallway areas may not be blocked in any way by postings. Posted advertisements can be no larger than 11” X 17.” Conditional exceptions may be allowed by the Dean of Students or a designated representative. Certain bulletin boards and display cases are assigned and identified for the exclusive use of academic or other departments for college business and are not subject to this approval process.
Cafeteria (Green Street Café) – Gardner Campus only
The cafeteria is open from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. during the regular academic year (unless posted differently). Please help the cafeteria staff by placing your refuse, trays, and dishes in the designated areas. Food and beverages are not allowed in classrooms. Consumption of all foodstuffs should be confined to the cafeteria area unless wrapped in a "take out" container. Summer hours are 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Fridays. The Green Street Cafe offers a wide selection of affordable, nutritious and delicious meals, snacks and beverages.
Child Care Services
The Garrison Center for Early Childhood Education, located at the MWCC Gardner Campus, serves as the central location for on-campus childcare services and as a laboratory school for the MWCC Early Childhood program. Preschool care (2.9 years to 6 years) is provided by the Montachusett Opportunity Council (MOC) on the MWCC Gardner Campus. The program offers a safe and stimulating environment, nutritious meals and snacks, flexible scheduling, and a professionally trained staff. Vouchers are accepted. For more information, contact the MOC office at 1-800-523-6373.
The CCAMPIS Program (Child Care Access Means Parents In School) at Mount Wachusett Community College is a federally-funded program that provides child care subsidies to qualified students who are enrolled part-time or full-time at MWCC campuses. The CCAMPIS subsidy is determined by the students EFC (expected family contribution) and can be in the amount of 60%, 40% or 20% of their child care costs. CCAMPIS works with the eligible student to secure a place at the Garrison Center or at a qualified off-campus provider. For more information, visit the CCAMPIS website or call 978-630-9190. The program is limited to assist 30 eligible students.
MWCC also offers a limited "Child Watch" program on the Gardner campus. This program is designed to assist student-parents attending a class, exam, or meeting to have an on-campus childcare option. Students interested in the Child Watch program should contact Ann Reynolds at 978-630-9855.
Housing Options
The college does not supervise or control housing arrangements undertaken between students and landlords. However, we are pleased to supply information for your use concerning available rooms and apartments. Consideration should be given to having insurance that would cover personal belongings in the event of a loss. Information concerning housing may be obtained from the student services office. The college adheres strictly to a policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action. We encourage all individuals offering these housing opportunities to adopt these policies to the full extent of the applicable laws (The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.; M.G.L. c. 151B). Persons indicating any illegal restriction in their residential opportunities will not be promoted by the college.
Lost and Found
Lost and found is located in the campus police office, room H062, and is open from 8:00am - 4:00pm M-F.
Parking rules are defined in the detail in the Campus Access Parking & Safety Information Brochures. There is ample parking for students, faculty and staff and reserved parking for the disabled. Parking stickers are not required for general/open student and public parking. Faculty and staff must obtain a parking sticker for reserved parking. Parking lots B, C, and D are designated for students and visitors. Parking lot A, E and F (greenhouse parking) are for faculty and staff only. It is unlawful for a non-resident student to fail to file a non-resident driver statement with the police department located in the same city or town as the school or college attended, in accordance with M.G.L. s.3; c. 90. Failure to file such a statement is punishable by a fine not to exceed $200. MWCC students can obtain the required forms from the campus police department. Carpools may be facilitated by contacting the Student Services Office. Special reserved medical parking permits for students, staff or faculty with temporary disabilities are available in Student Services. Parking is available on a first come, first serve basis.
Guests and Visitors on Campus
Mount Wachusett Community College is an open campus that serves many purposes to our credit students, non-credit students, Fitness Center members, employees and community guests. Guests and visitors to any MWCC campus are expected to observe all posted policies and expectations - including the current COVID-19 vaccination policy. Guests/visitors are also expected to respond to all reasonable directives of college administrators. Campus Police reserves the right to question the presence of any guest. Guests and visitors who disrupt the normal operation of the college may be asked to leave campus.
Students and guests of the college who bring children on campus are responsible for them at all times. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the classroom or in the library unless they are an authorized and registered MWCC student. Unattended children are not permitted. If unattended children are located, campus police will be notified and parents/guardians or caretakers will be expected to secure the child immediately. Children should not accompany their caregivers to testing, tutoring, classes or laboratories. Students with children should secure appropriate childcare to cover their periods of enrollment and study hours on campus.
Classroom spaces are reserved for students who are enrolled and registered in a particular course. Guests/visitors are not permitted in the classroom without the advance permission of the instructor and Division Dean. Faculty reserve the right to ask any person who does not appear on the official class roster to leave the classroom. The only exception to this policy would include academic support professionals pre-approved by the college to be in the classroom.
Art Lockers
A limited number of art lockers are available for students on a first-come, first-serve basis. A deposit of $10.00 is required which is reimbursed at the end of the school year. Further information is available in the Student Services office, room H128.
Student ID Cards
MWCC has instituted a photo identification system for all students at the college who are registered in credit-bearing classes. There is no fee for the processing of all student ID cards. An official photo ID for identification (i.e. a driver’s license, passport, state-issued ID, or military ID) is required to obtain an MWCC Student ID. The student ID card is used to access library resources, to waive meal tax in the cafeteria and receive a 10% student discount, to gain admission to the Fitness and Wellness Center (with membership), and to access $25 worth of free on-campus printing services. In addition, many students obtain discounts with area merchants and businesses by producing a valid student ID card.
ID cards are distributed though the MWCC Office of Student Life during the first week of each semester and during other scheduled hours. Students must have their student ID cards validated each semester at MWCC Student Services or at the MWCC Library. Students can also have their ID cards validated at the front offices at the Burbank and Leominster campuses.
The following transportation possibilities are available: MART Gardner Buses, MART Fitchburg/Leominster Intercity Buses, MART Wachusett Shuttle, MART Athol Link, MART Winchendon Link, Gardner to Athol-Orange-Winchendon Buses, and MBTA Commuter Rail Service to Fitchburg or Wachusett only. Further information on each is available in the student services office, room 141. MART bus pick-up and drop-off is located in parking lot B. All riders are strongly encouraged to refer to the MART website for updated scheduled and ride information. Paper schedules may not be accurate and MWCC is not responsible for changes made by MART. Students with a valid MWCC ID can ride the MART busses for free.