Professional Writing

The Professional Writing Track at Mount Wachusett Community College provides students with the opportunity to earn an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Upon completion of the program, students are prepared to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a baccalaureate degree. The Professional Writing Track offers students the opportunity to focus on developing and refining writing skills across a variety of formats and addressing a wide range of audiences while completing a core curriculum used for transfer. Students gain a strong foundation in humanities, social sciences, math, and natural sciences, which enables them to transfer to competitive four-year colleges and universities. ​

Professional Writing Track (LAPW)

A Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences

Develop excellent writing and communications skills that open doors across any academic or professional field.  Courses such as Journalism, Technical Writing, and Creative Writing provide foundational skills, and a range of professional electives allow students to choose from courses like Public Relations, Digital Photography, and Scriptwriting that enhance their academic program and further their individual goals. Students will benefit from hands-on involvement in the college's newspaper while completing a core curriculum used for transfer. This program provides a strong background for students to transfer to a four-year institution or immediately enter professional employment. Students who transfer to a four-year college or university may choose to major in a wide range of disciplines, including writing, English, journalism, the humanities, or the social sciences.

Year 1
ENG 101College Writing I 3
MAT 143Statistics (or higher) 3
Lab Science Elective 1 4
General Elective I 4 3
ENG 239Creative Writing I 3
ENG 102College Writing II 3
SPC 113Speech 3
Behavioral Social Science Elective 2 3
General Elective II 4 3
ENG 241Journalism I: Media Writing 3
Year 2
Literature Elective 3 3
Science Elective 1 3-4
Behavorial Social Science Elective 2 3
Professional Elective I  3
General Elective III 4 3
ENG 290Advanced Writing and Research 3
Culturally Diverse Non-behavioral Social Science Elective (see list below)  3
Culturally Diverse Literature Elective (see list below)  3
Professional Elective II (see list below)  3
Professional Elective III (see list below)  3
 Total Credits: 61-62

Science (3 or 4 credits)/Lab Science Electives (4 credits): See Elective Courses by Abbreviation.


Behavioral Social Science Electives: See Elective Courses by Abbreviation.


Literature Electives: See Elective Courses by Abbreviation.


General Electives: See General Electives exceptions.

 Professional Electives

ENG 106Technical Writing3
ENG 203Contemporary Literature3
ENG 205Shakespeare3
ENG 213American Literature I3
ENG 214American Literature II3
ENG 221Women's Literature3
ENG 22321st-Century Global Science Fiction3
ENG 224Mystery Fiction3
ENG 227British Literature I3
ENG 230From P-Town to Great Barrington: A Virtual Journey with Massachusetts Poets 3
ENG 233Science Fiction3
ENG 234Norse Mythology and the Viking World3
ENG 235Children's Literature3
ENG 236Modern Drama3
ENG 237Queer Voices in Literature3
ENG 240Creative Writing II3
ENG 242Journalism II: Advancing Newswriting3
ENG 251Introduction To Public Relations3
ENG 252Shakespeare and Star Wars: A Study of Tragedy through Drama and Film3
ENG 261The Short Story3
ENG 283Journalism Practicum3
GID 104Digital Imaging (Photoshop)3
GID 109Introduction To Web Design 3
MRT 110Fundamentals of Video Production3
PHO 115Introduction To Digital Photography3

Culturally Diverse Literature Electives

ENG 202American Immigrant Literature3
ENG 212Comics as Literature3
ENG 221Women's Literature3
ENG 230From P-Town to Great Barrington: A Virtual Journey with Massachusetts Poets 3
ENG 234Norse Mythology and the Viking World3
ENG 235Children's Literature3
ENG 236Modern Drama3
ENG 237Queer Voices in Literature3
ENG 261The Short Story3

Culturally Diverse Non-behavioral Social Science Electives

GEO 129World And Cultural Geography3
HIS 105History Of World Civilization I3
HIS 106History Of World Civilization II3
HIS 125American Ethnic History3

Student Success Tips

Eligible LAPW students should consider entering MWCC’s Honors Program. Honors Program students benefit from a challenging, highly individualized academic experience, a tuition waiver during their final semester, active recruitment by four-year colleges and universities, and the use of the Honors Center. Also, because of the program’s Commonwealth Honors Program status, all MWCC Honors courses are transferable as Honors courses within the Mass public higher education system, and MWCC graduates are guaranteed acceptance into the Honors Programs of these colleges and universities. See the Honors Program for more information.

Transfer Options

For transfer options, please click here. It is recommended that you also consult with your academic advisor.


Students who plan to transfer to a Massachusetts state university or a University of Massachusetts campus may be eligible to transfer under the MassTransfer agreement, which provides transfer advantages to those who qualify.

Please click here for MassTransfer information

Program Student Learning Outcomes for LAPW

Upon graduation from this program, students shall have the ability to:

  • Formulate clear and precise questions about complex problems and ideas relevant to a variety of disciplines—math, science, the humanities, and the social sciences—and gather, assess, and interpret information to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions and solutions.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of complex written texts that demand an appreciation of subtext, irony, metaphor, and the subtlety and nuances of language.
  • Successfully complete a substantial research paper that demonstrates the ability to formulate a research question, conduct research using the library’s databases, and synthesize information from a variety of sources into a cohesive and in-depth analysis of a topic.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of historic, social, and cultural backgrounds necessary for understanding their own and other societies with an emphasis on important ideas and events that have shaped, and continue to shape, their world.
  • Demonstrate scientific literacy, which can be defined as the matrix of knowledge needed to understand enough about the universe to deal with issues that come across the horizon of the average citizen, in the news or elsewhere.
  • Demonstrate a broad exposure to, and an understanding of, the differences and similarities in the various academic disciplines within their Liberal Arts education.
  • Successfully transfer to a baccalaureate degree granting institution if desired, with the proper educational foundation for transition into a chosen field of study.

Capstone Course for LAS

ENG 290 LAS Capstone: Advanced Writing and Research is the required capstone course for some Liberal Arts & Sciences majors and is to be taken after successfully completing ENG 101 College Writing I, ENG 102 College Writing II and at least  45 college-level credits.

Technical Standards for LAPW1



Students entering this program should be able to:

  • Comprehend textbook material at the 11th grade level.
  • Communicate and assimilate information either in spoken, printed, signed, or computer voice format.
  • Gather, analyze, and draw conclusions from data.
  • Distinguish the movement of meter displays, positions of knobs on equipment, and images through camera lenses and/or small camera screens.
  • Differentiate content, tones, and words in sound recordings.
  • Work as a member of a team.
  • Appropriately use production equipment with or without accommodations.

ENG 096. Writing Readiness. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to develop the student's skills in writing, focusing upon vocabulary development, standard English grammar, spelling, and usage. Student strengths and weaknesses in these areas are determined through initial testing. Upon completion of this course, the student will possess spelling and vocabulary development skills, use grammatically correct sentence structures, punctuate sentences correctly, use appropriate word choice, and develop a basic comprehensive essay. Institutional credit only. Courses that earn institutional credit do not apply towards graduation. A GRADE OF “C” OR HIGHER IS REQUIRED FOR ADVANCEMENT TO NEXT COURSE. Prerequisite: None.

ENG 097. Co-requisite Writing Seminar. 1 Credit.

The purpose of this co-requisite course is to build confidence through intensive writing practice. Students will learn to recognize certain standard elements of effective writing: the existence of a strong central idea supported by organized, selected content, as well as proper usage of grammar and mechanics. In-class writing workshops, group work and discussion, supplemental tasks and one-on-one instruction will support students as they work to improve as writers. Prerequisites: Placement; corequisite with ENG 101 required.

ENG 098. Fundamentals of Writing. 3 Credits.

Fundamentals of Writing is designed to help the writer recognize certain standard elements of effective writing: mainly the existence of a strong central idea supported by organized, selected content, as well as proper usage of grammar and mechanics. Students will be introduced to the writing process and will produce at least five (5) essays of at least 2-4 pages each by the end of the semester. Other forms of writing, such as journals, free-writes, and active learning exercises emphasizing student success skills, may also be included. At the end of the course, students must write a successful final essay to move forward to ENG 101. Institutional credit only. Courses that earn institutional credit do not apply towards graduation. A GRADE OF “C” OR HIGHER IS REQUIRED FOR ADVANCEMENT TO NEXT COURSE. Prerequisite: ENG 096 or placement; FYE 101 (corequisite).

ENG 101. College Writing I. 3 Credits.

Students will develop college-level writing skills with an emphasis on writing as a process. Reading selections will foster improved writing skills and critical and analytical thinking. By semester's end, students will have produced at least four essays totaling 12-15 pages of original, polished prose. Students will also demonstrate their knowledge of research-based writing conventions, including information evaluation, documentation, and quotation integration through at least one paper that incorporates outside source material using MLA format and utilizing the library’s scholarly databases. Working with an instructional librarian on the research project is highly encouraged. Prerequisites: ENG 098, RDG 098, FYE 101, or placement.

ENG 102. College Writing II. 3 Credits.

Writing about literary works will improve student writing, revision, critical thinking, and reading skills. The readings will be selected from a range of texts including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Evaluation and analysis will be accomplished through a variety of writing assignments, for example, discussion board posts, in-class writing, journals, free-writing, essay exams, and rough drafts of formal essays. By semester's end, students will have produced several pieces of writing totaling 12-15 pages of original, polished prose. At least one of the essays will incorporate library research that is cited and documented appropriately. Prerequisite: ENG 101.

ENG 106. Technical Writing. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the study of basic writing patterns likely to be of use to the report/technical writer: summary, definition, explanation of a process, description and analysis, classifying data, designing effective formats and supplements, researching information, writing and documenting the research report, proposal writing, and the use of visual aids. The development of an effective reportorial style is emphasized. Overall, the course is designed to improve the students' powers of creative observation and develop accurate and concise writing skills. Prerequisite: ENG 101.

ENG 202. American Immigrant Literature. 3 Credits.

This course explores the story of coming to America, becoming American, and changing the fabric of America. By studying fiction, non-fiction, poetry and films about the migrant’s experience of America, we will understand what it means to migrate to America, how migrating complicates the migrant’s relationship with their country of origin (or homeland) and its people, how the memories of the homeland work in the migrant’s life, and the process by which the migrant makes America their home. We will discuss themes like assimilation, generational conflict, gender differences, transnationalism, nativism, and racialization and their connection to migration. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

ENG 203. Twentieth Century American Authors. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to explore American views of war, race, alienation, assimilation, family, and social change in the 20th century. A variety of critical approaches will be applied to novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and essays. Some of the authors studied may include Hemingway, Faulkner, O'Connor, Vonnegut, Morrison, and Erdrich. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean.

ENG 205. Shakespeare. 3 Credits.

This course surveys several of Shakespeare’s dramas, including his tragedies and comedies, with a focus on thematic issues in historical, global, and multicultural contemporary contexts. The course not only emphasizes close textual analysis and critical interpretation but also studies and celebrates performance art. Both traditional and modern adaptions in theatre and film will be examined and discussed. When possible, students will be encouraged to attend local performances. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

ENG 211. Gothic and Horror Literature. 3 Credits.

This course will survey the tradition of horror literature from its origins to the present focusing on the development of the Gothic in response to the European Enlightenment through its current status as a global genre. Representative works from the European Gothic, Dark Romanticism, literature of the supernatural, and contemporary horror fiction will highlight the versatility of the genre, as well as its influence in areas that may appear distant from the genre’s concerns such as memoir, political rhetoric, and fashion. Precursors of the genre and examples of the horror footprint in other media, such as film, television, and video games may also be considered. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of faculty or dean. Fall.

ENG 212. Comics as Literature. 3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to the popular medium of comics, including its flexibility of form and diversity of perspective. Special attention will be given to the way in which the medium’s formal qualities shape the creation of meaning in texts ranging from superhero narratives to memoir and non-fiction. The course will examine the richness and complexity of graphic texts and will include a consideration of the history, development, and culture of comic books. It will also look at the intersection of identity and expression giving space to creators of color as well as the representation of Queer experience. Additionally, the medium’s engagements with and influences on other genres and forms such as film, television, and fan cultures may also be explored. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of faculty or dean.

ENG 213. American Literature I. 3 Credits.

This course surveys significant American writings from 1620 through the 19th century covering the following eras: Puritans, Colonial/Revolution, Enlightenment/Romantic and Transcendentalist/Abolitionist. The course emphasizes textual analysis and the examination of the relationship of representative works to historical, social, and intellectual developments and will explore issues of diversity and the connection between literature and cultural contexts. Included are works by such authors as Bradford, Rowlandson, Jefferson, Franklin, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Fuller, Hawthorne, Melville, Douglass, Dickinson. Written work totaling at least 12-15 pages will be assigned including essays with library research, reading responses, in-class essays, and rough drafts of formal essays. Prerequisite: ENG 102. Fall.

ENG 214. American Literature II. 3 Credits.

This course surveys significant American writing from 1890 to the present covering the following: Realism, Modernism/Harlem Renaissance, Mid-20th Century, Post-Modernism/Multiculturalism/Contemporary. The course emphasizes textual analysis and the examination of the relationship of representative works to historical, social, and intellectual developments and will explore issues of diversity and the connection between literature and cultural contexts. Included are works by such authors as Twain, Chopin, Frost, Stevens, Moore, Hughes, O’Neill, Miller, Wilson, Ginsberg, Rich, LeGuin, Anzaldua. Written work totaling at least 12-15 pages will be assigned including essays with library research, reading responses, in-class essays, and rough drafts of formal essays. Prerequisite: ENG 102. Spring.

ENG 221. Women's Literature. 3 Credits.

This course will consider the essential issues raised in literature concerning the role and image of women in society. Included will be essays, short stories, and novels by authors such as Kate Chopin, Willa Cather, Virginia Woolf, and Toni Morrison. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean. Spring.

ENG 223. 21st-Century Global Science Fiction. 3 Credits.

Contemporary global literature includes twentieth- and twenty-first-century literatures, other than British and American, either written in English or read in translation. Readings represent a variety of cultures and belief systems and include world regional and diasporic literatures such as African, Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, etc. Emphasis is placed on interpreting literary texts in relation to their cultural, political, and historical contexts, as well as the conventions of literary movements and genres such as postcolonialism, magical realism, science fiction, etc. Through readings, discussions, and several written assignments, students will expand their awareness, understanding, sensitivity, and empathy in regard to differences between other cultures’ perspectives and their own. Close reading exercises and other scaffolded writing assignments will strengthen skills in close reading and literary analysis, culminating in a thesis-driven essay interpreting one or more works of literature. Additional assignments may include a group research presentation, an author interview writing project, and a final essay exam. By the end of the semester, students will have produced 12-15 pages of polished writing. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of the Division Dean.

ENG 224. Mystery Fiction. 3 Credits.

This course studies the history and nature of the mystery story from the works of Poe to such present day masters as Agatha Christie and Tony Hillerman. Students will examine both the relationship of mystery fiction to the culture of its time and the changing role of the detective hero. Students will study the techniques of the mystery writer and the relationship between mystery fiction and "serious" literature. Works by such authors as Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Hammett, Chandler, Christie, and Hillerman are included. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean. Fall.

ENG 227. British Literature I. 3 Credits.

This course is a study of selected works by major writers in British literature through the Restoration and the 18th century. Emphasis is placed on a responsive and critical reading as well as on literary and historical background. Includes works by, but not limited to, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, and Johnson. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean. Fall.

ENG 230. From P-Town to Great Barrington: A Virtual Journey with Massachusetts Poets. 3 Credits.

This course introduces students to the diverse voices of Massachusetts poets through virtual, instructor-guided tours; vlogging lectures; and interactive visits to key places associated with the history and background of the poets studied in the course. Through this method, the course emphasizes not only discussion of the conventions, styles, and art of each poet’s writing but also how the social issues of the poets’ time periods and personal lives informed their work. Poets may include Sylvia Plath, E.E. Cummings, Jack Kerouac, W.E.B. DuBois, Mary Oliver, Emily Dickinson, and Henry David Thoreau. Through this unique experience, students will immerse themselves into the learning process, virtually visiting locations in Massachusetts, such as Cape Cod, Boston, Concord, Lowell, Amherst, Northampton, and Great Barrington, to enhance their learning experiences. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

ENG 233. Science Fiction. 3 Credits.

As a literary genre, science fiction – like science – is continually changing and redefining itself, creating modern myths that show us our greatest hopes and our deepest fears about humanity, science, technology, and the future, as well as examining contemporary issues around race, class, gender, and sexuality. This course introduces students to a variety of science fiction texts – both classic and contemporary – and may include works by Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, Issac Asimov, Ursula Le Guin, Philip K. Dick, Octavia Butler, and Margaret Atwood. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean.

ENG 234. Norse Mythology and the Viking World. 3 Credits.

This course is an introduction to Norse mythology and to the Viking world that was shaped by the stories of Thor, Loki, Odin, and others. Students will read a wide range of Old Norse mythological and saga literature in translation, as well as modern retellings of the myths. We will attempt to understand the values, beliefs, and world view of the Scandinavian cultures that practiced Norse paganism, as well as examine its problematic legacy: 20th century German nationalism and 21st century white supremacist movements. In addition, we will explore the influence of Norse myths and Viking culture on video games, comics, film, and television. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of dean/instructor.

ENG 235. Children's Literature. 3 Credits.

Students in this course consider a variety of children's literature not only as literary and artistic expressions but also as historical and social artifacts. The course emphasizes illustrated books (picture storybooks) but also includes selections of chapter and young adult works. Students analyze and assess the literary merit and visual artistry of books from various genres, from diverse authors and illustrators. Those genres include fantasy, traditional literature (fairy tales), poetry, realistic and historical fiction, biography, and other non-fiction works. Students also explore issues related to education, censorship, multiculturalism, diversity, and the changing views of childhood. Course concepts are acquired primarily through reading and writing, with some discussion and lecture. Throughout the semester, students will present a variety of polished prose and written assessment of selected works in a variety of forms, including a scholarly research paper using library sources. Written work totaling at least 12-15 pages will be assigned. Additionally, other written analysis, reading responses, in-class essays, and rough drafts of formal essays may be required. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean.

ENG 236. Modern Drama. 3 Credits.

This course is a survey of international dramatic literature from 1879 to the present, encompassing such theatrical and literary movements as Realism, Expressionism, and Absurdism. Although the course includes some attention to production values (staging, performance, etc.), the emphasis is primarily on dramatic works as literary texts. Both primary and secondary texts will be assigned so that students become familiar with important works of criticism as well as the plays themselves. Readings include works by Ibsen, Chekhov, O'Neill, Williams, Beckett, Fugard, Hansberry, and Miller. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean. Fall.

ENG 237. Queer Voices in Literature. 3 Credits.

This course is an introduction to LGBTQ+ literature, with particular emphasis on the representation of queer identities from the nineteenth century to the present. Students will read queer texts (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) within their changing social, political, and cultural contexts, while critically investigating socially-constructed ideas about gender and sexuality. Offered occasionally. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean.

ENG 239. Creative Writing I. 3 Credits.

This course is an introduction to writing fiction, poetry, and drama. Students will experiment with a variety of literary styles and genres, learn to give and receive feedback in a workshop setting, and have the opportunity to read published authors. Lectures and workshops will introduce students to literary devices and techniques, such as dialogue, plot, setting, characterization, point of view, alliteration, assonance, tone, diction, and metaphor. Prerequisite: ENG 098, RDG 098, or placement; or permission of division dean. Fall.

ENG 240. Creative Writing II. 3 Credits.

This course is an advanced writing workshop designed to give experienced writers the opportunity to hone their craft, while continuing to explore new styles and techniques. Workshops will present students with the opportunity to revise and refine their writing in preparation for publication in professional literary journals and magazines. Prerequisite: ENG 102, ENG 239.

ENG 241. Journalism I: Media Writing. 3 Credits.

This course helps students to become more concise writers by addressing the basic skills of journalism: observing, researching, reporting, interviewing, thinking, and writing with precision, clarity, and ethics. Assignments include basic reporting, local beat coverage, blogging, and multi-source stories. Students will be exposed to print and web writing, as well as some technology (including digital cameras and video). Student news stories will be submitted for the print and web editions of the MWCC student newspaper, The Mount Observer. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of Dean.

ENG 242. Journalism II: Advancing Newswriting. 3 Credits.

Continuation of ENG 241 Journalism I: News Reporting and Writing. This course is designed to further students' mastery of such journalistic techniques as idea development, news gathering, newsroom operation, editing, and layout. Emphasis will also be placed on writing for print and web editions of the student newspaper, mentoring students in the Journalism I course, editing articles, checking sources and facts, and putting together the monthly editions of both print and web. Students will be exposed to some technology (digital cameras, video). Prerequisite: ENG 241 or permission of division dean.

ENG 251. Introduction To Public Relations. 3 Credits.

This course covers all forms of writing for public relations, including press releases, public service announcements, features, newsletters, and presentations. This course emphasizes the strategy of crafting and delivering a PR message with final culmination in designing a public relations strategy for an existing organization in the community. Corequisite: ENG 101. Fall.

ENG 252. Shakespeare and Star Wars: A Study of Tragedy through Drama and Film. 3 Credits.

In this course, students will draw comparisons between the worlds of Shakespeare and Star Wars through an in-depth, critical analysis of Shakespeare’s tragic heroes and the journey of Anakin Skywalker as tragic hero. Students will read Julius Caesar, Othello, and Macbeth and also be required to read supplemental material including, but not limited to, script excerpts, biblical readings, and Elizabethan historical information. Finally, students will watch the second installment of the Star Wars trilogy, with a focus on The Revenge of the Sith. Questions of government and leadership, power and lust, jealousy and fatal attraction, friendship, religion, forbidden love, good vs. evil, stoicism, and temptation will be some of the topics discussed and expanded upon through various writing assignments, projects, and research. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean.

ENG 261. The Short Story. 3 Credits.

This course traces the development of the short story as a distinct literary genre from its origins in the early 19th century to the present. Emphasis is on close reading and analysis of texts by international writers. The course covers the major literary movements of the 19th and 20th centuries: Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, and Postmodernism. Readings include stories by Poe, de Maupassant, Chopin, Hemingway, Kafka, Joyce, O'Connor, and Carver. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of division dean. Spring.

ENG 283. Journalism Practicum. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to provide students with opportunities for the enhancement of their course work in Journalism through external internships/shadowing at local media and more in-depth leadership as the Editor-in-Chief of the student newspaper. Prerequisites: ENG 242.

ENG 290. Advanced Writing and Research. 3 Credits.

In this course students demonstrate their ability to write and conduct library research by refining skills introduced in earlier composition courses and practiced elsewhere in their degree program. Students will engage with scholarly materials from a variety of disciplines, draft and revise essays in a number of academic genres (including summary and response, close analysis, and argument), and conduct intensive library research - accompanied by an instructional librarian - for a 10-12-page research paper. Prerequisites: ENG 101, ENG 102; completion of at least 45 college-level credits, including completion of or co-enrollment in at least one 200-level ENG course.