Elective Courses by Abbreviation
Business Electives
Humanities Electives
Science Electives
BIO, BTC, CHE, EAS, ECR, PHY (3-credit courses)
Lab Science Electives
BIO, BTC, CHE, EAS, ECR, PHY (4-credit courses)
Social Science Electives
Behavioral Social Science: ANT, PSY, SOC, SSC
Non-behavioral Social Science: ECO, GEO, HIS, POL, SSC
Health Electives
Credits | ||
BIO 101 | Introduction To Nutrition | 3 |
BIO 103 | Human Health And Disease | 3 |
CHC 101 | Introduction to Complementary Healthcare | 3 |
CHC 102 | Foundations of Yoga | 3 |
EXS 102 | Principles Of Anatomy And Kinesiology | 3 |
EXS 201 | Exercise Science And Nutrition | 4 |
PER 126 | Fitness And Wellness | 2 |
PER 130 | Health, Fitness, And Wellness | 3 |
Literature Electives
Credits | ||
ENG 202 | American Immigrant Literature | 3 |
ENG 203 | Twentieth Century American Authors | 3 |
ENG 205 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENG 211 | Gothic and Horror Literature | 3 |
ENG 212 | Comics as Literature | 3 |
ENG 213 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG 214 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG 221 | Women's Literature | 3 |
ENG 223 | 21st-Century Global Science Fiction | 3 |
ENG 224 | Mystery Fiction | 3 |
ENG 227 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG 230 | From P-Town to Great Barrington: A Virtual Journey with Massachusetts Poets | 3 |
ENG 233 | Science Fiction | 3 |
ENG 234 | Norse Mythology and the Viking World | 3 |
ENG 235 | Children's Literature | 3 |
ENG 236 | Modern Drama | 3 |
ENG 237 | Queer Voices in Literature | 3 |
ENG 252 | Shakespeare and Star Wars: A Study of Tragedy through Drama and Film | 3 |
ENG 261 | The Short Story | 3 |
General Electives
A General Elective course is any course other than the following courses:
Foundation Courses
ENG 096 Writing Readiness
ENG 097 Co-requisite Writing Seminar
ENG 098 Fundamentals of Writing
MAT 092 Foundations of Mathematics
MAT 093 Statway
MAT 096 Intermediate Algebra
MAT 097 Stemway
RDG 096 Fundamentals of Reading I
RDG 098 Fundamentals of Reading II
English as a Second Language (ESL) Courses
ESL 010 Intermediate ESL for Academic Success
ESL 020 High Intermediate ESL for Academic Success
ESL 030 Advanced ESL for Academic Success
ESL 081 Academic Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners I
ESL 082 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language Learners I
ESL 083 Academic Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners II
ESL 084 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language Learners II
ESL 099 Transitional ESL for Academic Success in College Writing